sewing DIY apron and pattern

Warm spring spring spring, feel like spring again when I made the apron above because of color combinations with bees on yellows fabric, and duck family out and enjoy swimming designed on fabric. 

I would be so dreadful event when the completed sewing works turned out weird from fabric color match, even though I spent so much time to select right fabric among the fabrics I already have.
A few months ago I made a apron, it did not need any color combination as I chose one fabric to be it, which was easy. Anyway I like so much how the turned out this time with lovely colors.

Measurement above

For how to make, tutorial, please click the Video below, hope you enjoy.
If the Video was helpful, please thumbs up and subscribe my Youtube channel: Mikinoos DIY
Thank you.

My dear cat Popsie is a good companion when I sew, Popsie gives me a break as well from sewing.
And I enjoy so much when my cat comes and checks me out, or distracts me from sewing to get my attention. I should watch him out from getting into trouble though.


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