
Showing posts from July, 2022

Sewing DIY Pet bed from PJ's top

For last a couple of years this pyjama top was my favorite as its material swas very soft fleece fabric. this year I bougt new pyjama, and I turned it into my cat's cushion bed.  fat and cute with stuffing of left over pyjama fabric scraps and poly cotton . Mr. cat's curiosity Mum wanted to touch the cushion,  Mr. cat put his two furry soft hands on mum's hand. Mr. Cat started dozing Purrrrfeeecto round shaped and sleep on the cushion . Cover his eyes with his litte soft paw from light For how to make, tutorial, please click the Video below, hope you enjoy. If the Video was helpful, please thumbs up  and subscribe my Youtube channel:  Mikinoos DIY Thank you.

Sewing DIY Patchwork & Fleece Vest (free pattern) - use up your fabric scraps

After cutting fabrics, there are always fabric scraps, which accumulated for several months, and eventually there is the container full of fabric scraps, it's time to use up and empty the container for next several months, and also there's no space for another fabric scraps containers, it's best use some up. So, let's call the use up fabric scraps project. I cut to square (2 x 2 inches) all warm colours fabric scarps mainly pinkish and redish fabric scarps because pink and white coloured fleece is used for vest.  connect those squares to bigger than patterns of vest back and two pockets. Heart shaped pockets made a feature of front vest, and cute! Be noted: snap buttons - I needed a bit bigger buttons because of a thick fabric, and I did not bother to go and buy them, and end up using what I have at home.  I have to be carefull whenever opening snap buttons, otherwise snap button might fall out. Luckly I often wear vest front open without buttons up is work for me okay....

Sewing DIY canvas bag with iron on transfer

Iron on transfer made easy for me have a nice picture on canvas bag.  Eventually I want to paint my own on canvas,  till then this is one of good and easy way. Iron on transfer gave a nice liveliness to the just white canvas bag not boring. You can find/see pattern measurements from below video. For how to make, tutorial, please click the Video below, hope you enjoy. If the Video was helpful, please thumbs up  and subscribe my Youtube channel: Mikinoos DIY Thank you.