Sewing DIY Shirts Yarn Floor Mat

About 3 months ago, I made yarns from Shirts/Tshirts. Because I cut cut cut with scissors, the scissors must had been rubbing my finger skin too much continuously and I had some blisters on my fingers. And I put the shirts yarns away for a while. Finally I made a foot mat. I cut shirts yarns with 4-5cm width. I thought I would cut a bit too wide at the time. But the yarn rolled up by itself, which did not look like 4-5cm width. 38cm x 65cm foot mat. 65cm consist of plaited 55cm from knot to knot, and 10cm fringes (5cm each side). In the instance I cut the yarn about 2 times longer than the length (about 120cm - 130cm), and then stood up and plaited yarns to avoid yarns tangled together. and I tried not to plait them too tight. At first, I tried sewing machine with zigzag stitches to connect each plaited ones, which do the job but it wasn't looking good for me as all stitches shown. So I cut them off, and did all hand stitching (blind stitches) one by one. For ho...