Review for my 1 year of being a sewing DIY Youtuber/Bloger

I am looking back for my 1 year of sewing DIY youtube and blogging. This is not a statement, it's just my diary, and floating thoughts at the moment I am writing. Making time on evey weekend, Making time by having days off from work, For sewing, For videoing sewing procedures, For editing videos, For uploading videos on Youtube, For blogging, For uploading pictures on instagram. For A year. Good things I think. Firstly , my sewing skill improved. Secondly , the uploaded youtube videos and blogs are usful for me. For example, I made a summer simple dress, and I like wearing it, so I wanted to make a few more for me and my friend. Before I make dresses I read my blog and watched my Youtube video again, which helped me making easily without spending too much time to think of procedure. Thirdly , I am happy with accumulated records of my sewings. I believe there must be more good things, but that's all I can think of at the moment. Not good things I think. Money! I used to work 5 ...