Sewing DIY easy open jacket/cardigan and pattern

As it's winter, it's cold at morning and night, but it's been warm and nice sunny days in day time.
On such nice sunny weekend, my friend and myself went to cafe for having brunch.

I thought the jacket I made was a good choice to wear in such a nice day because you can feel a bit chill air if you stay in shade. 

I think that knit fabric would make a good cardigan; mine in video is not knit fabric though.
Will try with knit fabric next time.

Anyone who needs the pattern can download from the description of my Youtube Video.
The pattern is in inches; draw as per measurements in pattern and then add a curve line for under armpit.

For how to make, tutorial, please click the Video below, hope you enjoy.
If the Video was helpful, please thumbs up and subscribe 
my Youtube channel: Mikinoos DIY
Thank you.


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