Sewing DIY Baby Bib (Free Pattern)

I made baby bibs for one of my friend who's pregnant.
Hope my friend and her baby both stay strong and healthy.

Pattern: you can download from the my Youtube video's description.

For how to make, tutorial, please click the Video below, hope you enjoy.
If the Video was helpful, please thumbs up 
and subscribe my Youtube channel: Mikinoos DIY
Thank you.

Step by Step instruction

What you will need: Cotton and fleece fabrics for bib, yellow cotton for a duck aplique, black & red flet for duck eye and mouth.

Step 1 - Refer the pattern hyperlinked from my Youtube video's description. 
Cut out a cotton fabric bib as per pattern 0.25 seam allowance included
Cut out a yellow cotton fabric duck as pattern 0.25 inch seam allowance should be added.    
Cut out a duck eye, and a duck mouth.

Step 2 - Cut out a duck interfacking, and it is the same size as pattern (no seam alloace to be added). 

Step 3 - Place the interfacing on wrong side of duck fabric and iron press on right side of fabric and the interfacing will be attached to fabric.
Be noted that because the the fabric is cotton I pressed right on it, but I recommed to change heat level and place white cotton fabic between iron and the fabric if the fabric is senstive to heat, and recomend to follow interfacing instruction on your selection of interfacing.

Step 4 - Snip cuts to the seam, and press the seam toward to the interfacing. 

Step 5 - Place the wrong side of duck facing to the right side of bib. Using needle and yellow thread, aplique duck. Sew duck eye and mouth. Now the front bib side is done.  

Step 6 - Place the step 5 completed front bib and fleece fabic together with right sides facing in. Pin and sew along the front bib edge, leaving opening gap about 2-2.5 inches, sewing 0.25 inches seam allowance. 

Step 7 - Cut out the fleece fabric along the adge of the front bib. Snip cuts to seam, and turn it right side out. 

Step 8 - Top stitch all around very close to the edge, and it will close off the opening gap. 

Step 9 - Cut Hook & Loop tape into 0.75 x 1.25 inches retangle, and separate cut tape. Attach and sew the tape to the right hand side of the front fabric, and flip the left hand side and attach and sew the tape on the back side. Oh well I think this explanation is a bit confused, so refer the screen shot below.  

Now, you will get the front and back sides of the bib like below. Finished ~


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